Thursday, 6 September 2012

My Jean Strike......

So for just under,.......... say five years, I have not worn, donned, sported, harnessed, put on, slipped on or clothed myself in a pair of jeans. I know to some people this will seem insane, as many of my friends find these simple denim trousers  a wardrobe staple, a necessity, ESSENTIAL! and I know that many of you will have shelves and shelves devoted to your favourite denim leg buddies.
I however could give or take jeans........... in-fact I do neither, I simply don't go near them.
I can't remember exactly when or why I chose to stop wearing jeans, ( Oh yes, I have worn them before, I wasn't raised in a weird 'Denim is the Devil' cult ) but I assume it's when the marvelously free 'legging' came back into fashion. I grew weary of the restrictions that jeans have, as I'm partial to a bit of side-kicking, cart-wheeling, and freaky dancing when the mood takes me and the constrictions that I found in jeans did not allow me to get 'weird and freaky' as much as I would have liked.


 Maybe I was buying really bad jeans? Or maybe I am super sensitive to constrictions............ and have the need to feel like I'm naked even whilst wearing clothes? 
 Has anybody else boycotted jeans for this reason? 
But the 'Legging' really did solve all of my problems, comfortable, affordable, can dress up or down, can do pretty much everything jeans can do, and a bit more! Try doing the splits in a tight pair of skinny jeans, and get back to me, I'd say you would need more than just a new pair of jeans. In leggings however you can do all the stretches, lunges, and star jumps that you want! 
Beautiful, restriction free lunges!
I really don't want to be a hypocrite though, and say that I will never wear a pair of jeans again, because I am aware that there are new soft cotton/ denim mix jeans that are super soft and comfortable ( I know this from my friend making me rub the leg of her new TopShop 'Super Soft' skinny jeans, all the while she oohed and awed at their cushiness ), but for now I am satisfied wearing my leggings.